
6 Ways For Inducing Labor At Home

6 Ways To Induce Labor At Home

6 Ways To Induce Labor At Home

Waiting for the whole nine months to hold your little one into your arms challenges your patience, doesn’t it? But guess what might again seem like an eternity? It’s having to wait for the baby after your due date has passed. In such cases, pregnant women tend to find methods for inducing labor at home.

Labor induction practices aim at speeding up the process by stimulating labor pains in your body.

Even 1 or 2 days over your due date might leave you both tired and anxious about childbirth.

While the anxiety might seem normal, it tends to affect your perception towards having to go through labor.

Read this blog to know 6 ways you can easily induce labor at home.

Is Inducing Labor At Home Safe?

Now this would be the primary question that might pop into your mind when it comes to inducing labor for childbirth. 

Labor induction might seem an easy choice when you cannot wait to see your baby, but it does not come without complications.

Procedures required for planned labor might come with their own maternal and fetal risks. Consult your healthcare professional before planning to use any labor induction method. 

The common situation for labor induction is when you have reached one or two weeks after the due date, and the baby is still not planning to come anytime soon.

Other situations for labor induction occur when a to-be-mom:

NOTE: Be it either through medications or other induction methods, try inducing labor only under the advice and supervision of your healthcare professional.

What You Need To Know About Labor Induction Methods

From DIY home remedies and food recipes to doctor-recommended techniques for inducing labor at home, there are multiple methods that are known to push your delivery date forward.

Wondering if these methods are scientifically proven to induce labor early?

Well, it’s contradictory. The research literature shows mixed reviews about the success and failure of labour induction.

Even Though the techniques might not be backed scientifically, the rate of labor induction has consistently increased in developed economies.

Check out these 6 primary ways you can consider for inducing labor at home:

1. Having Sex

Be it the tales from your family folks or one of the first things your doctor might suggest, sex is commonly associated with inducing labour.

Confused about what to do?

Remember, if you do not have complications in your pregnancy, sex at any stage during 9 months can be safe. This pretty much sums up the pros and cons of having sex and considering it as a way of induction of labor.

2. Spicing Up Your Diet

According to many old wives’ tales, adding additional spices to your diet will put you into labor. It’s hard to believe, isn’t it?

Looking into it with a scientific approach, foods rich in spices are likely to irritate the digestive system, which can further stimulate uterine contractions.

Though, make sure to add the spices in regulation and consult your nutritionist in case you want to bring any sudden diet changes during these last few days of pregnancy.

3.  Acupressure Points

So what exactly is Acupressure?

It’s a technique that involves putting pressure on specific body points or parts with the aim of preventing certain illnesses or calming the body down. 

When it comes to using acupressure for labor induction, research has shown its effectiveness tracking back to the times when it was used as an ancient medicinal technique. 

How does it work scientifically?

Acupressure techniques increase flow of blood to the uterus, leading to the onset of uterine contractions. By using thumbs and fingers to gently put pressure on some specific points in your body, your cervix opening is likely to dilate, ultimately stimulating the labor contractions.  

If you plan to use it for signalling your baby to come out already, make sure to let your health professional know. 

4. Membrane Stripping

It is exactly what the name suggests! Another potential method you can consider is inducing your labor pains. 

Your doctor has a direct role to play during the conduction of this method.

Here’s what it includes-

During this method, your doctor will sweep their gloved fingers across the membranes of the amniotic sac in your uterus. 

Your doctor might also stretch or massage your cervix a little to facilitate its dilation. 

While the research studies have found the method to be safe, your healthcare professional might suggest it only after closely monitoring your and the baby’s health conditions.

5. Nipple Stimulation

Nipple Stimulation is a simple DIY method that involves gently rolling or rubbing in a circular motion. 

Is it Safe?

Doctors recommend nipple Stimulation as a labor induction method only once your baby is perfectly healthy and has completed 37 weeks. 

Is it Scientific?

Yes. Stimulating your nipples is found to release a hormone called oxytocin. This hormone might not only cause contractions in your uterus but also boosts the mommy-child bonding post delivery. 

To know how to safely perform nipple stimulation, check out this blog.

6. Patience is all you might need!

Yes, it’s understandable if you just smirked while reading this point. 

Keeping patience while you are expecting your baby to come out anytime now is definitely easier said than done but know that baby can feel you. Your positive attitude towards experiencing labor will naturally stimulate it at the right time. 

Key Takeaway

Remember, mommy-to-be, the healthiest way of labor is when it starts on its own. While you might come across people suggesting hundreds of ways to speed up your labor, you can just try closing your eyes and taking a long breath. 

During an overdue pregnancy, keeping your mind occupied is the best thing you can do. Grab a book or choose a movie. Your baby is perfectly healthy and on their way. 

Though, if you still feel that inducing labor would help both you and your baby, let your doctor know about it.



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