
Diaper Rash – Symptoms, Causes, Home Remedies and more

Diaper rash is something every parent is going to have to face at some point of their parenting journey. Your baby will grow out of diapers around anywhere between 18 to 30 months of age. But before then, you need to know how to prevent diaper rash, and if it occurs, how to deal with it.


Diaper rash is a very common yet avoidable occurrence on your baby’s bottom, whether you use cloth or disposable diapers. It is characterized by inflamed skin (dermatitis) which looks like patches of red skin. 

Diaper rash is usually the result of wet or infrequently changed diapers. However, skin sensitivity and rubbing could also cause it. It generally affects babies, but people who have to wear diapers can suffer from it as well.

This condition is really annoying for the babies as they always feel uncomfortable and keep crying. Simple home remedies can be used to cure the condition completely. Air drying, ointments, and more frequent diaper changing are some of the tried and tested measures to get rid of diaper rash.


Causes Of Diaper Rash

Keeping on a wet diaper for a long time isn’t the only reason behind diaper rash. There are many more reasons that include:


Prevention Of Diaper Rash

Keeping the diaper area clean and dry is the best option to rule out the possibility of it. However, there are some more ways to keep this skin problem at bay. Have a look –

Home Remedies For Diaper Rash

When Should You See A Doctor?

If the diaper rash doesn’t disappear in a few days despite the home treatment, you should consult with a pediatrician. Have your child examined if the rash:

Sometimes, there may be a need for prescription medications to help ease the baby’s discomfort. A doctor may prescribe:

You should not give any medication or apply any ointment unless it is prescribed by a pediatrician or a dermatologist. It is worth mentioning that diaper rashes sometimes do not disappear easily, and may come back repeatedly.


Diaper rash may sound like a common issue, but it takes your and your child’s life completely off track, as it requires extra care and attention. So, it is better to prevent this problem with extra cautiousness. Moreover, consulting a pediatrician is the best way to get rid of this problem. You can get the convenience of telemedicine consultations with experts on the ImmunifyMe app.

FAQs On Diaper Rash

What Cures Diaper Rash Fast?

Over-the-counter ointments or petroleum jelly like Vaseline applied around the diaper area eases the diaper rash. 

Are Diaper Rashes Painful?

If not dealt with immediately, diaper rashes can turn into a severe painful infection. Sometimes the baby may even get a fever. At such times, a visit to the doctor is recommended.

How Do You Get Rid Of Bad Diaper Rash?

Keep the diaper clean and dry. During the day, keep the baby without a diaper on a dry towel. This will help to keep the diaper area dry. When changing the diaper, wipe the area with a soft, dry napkin dipped in a little water. Baby wipes will also do, just don’t wipe the area too hard.

When Should I Be Concerned About Diaper Rash?

Look for the following symptoms: blisters on the diaper area, fever, redness in the area, and/or a septic discharge. This is when you need to be concerned and visit a doctor.


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