
Formula Feeding Guide For Parents

Being a mom brings various kinds of responsibilities, and one of the biggest is choosing the right diet for your little one. Health experts say that breast milk is the best form of nutritional choice for infants. However, for mommies who decide not to breastfeed, formula feeding is also a healthy alternative. If for whatever reason you’re turning to formula instead of breastmilk, this formula feeding guide for parents will help you find your footing in this new direction.


While breastfeeding is a natural and healthy way to nourish a child, not all moms have this option.

Can I Do Formula Feeding With My Newborn Baby?

Instant formula or formula milk is no doubt a nutritious alternative to mother’s milk and even contains few vitamins that are vital for the baby’s growth. Baby formula milk tries to duplicate mother’s milk using various combinations of protein, fat, sugars, and vitamins which are not possible to be recreated at home. So if you don’t breastfeed your baby, doctors recommend giving your baby formula milk so they get this essential nutrition.

How Many mL Of Formula Milk Does A Newborn Need?

Just how much to feed your baby is an essential part of any formula feeding guide. It is important to note that you need to measure formula milk for babies as per their body weight. Your baby needs between 150 ml and 200 ml of formula per kg of body weight each day. So, if a baby weighs around 3 kg, it will need between 450 ml and 600ml of formula per day. That means every 2-3 hours.

However, there are chances that they may not want to drink that much at the start of the first week or not take the same amount at each feeding. Keep this in mind and ensure not to force-feed the child.

How Do You Calculate Formula Milk For A Newborn?

There are various calculators that take into account the age and weight of your baby, determining the ideal formula amount to give them. We recommend you check with a pediatrician and take the right decision. As soon as you’re in doubt, turn to a doctor; they can be your best formula feeding guide. 

We have included a broad measurement of how much formula an infant needs to have in a day. Please remember – these recommendations could change if the infant has been diversified and also eats solids.

  1. Preterm-180ml per kilogram per day.
  2. 5 days to 3 months-150ml per kilogram per day.
  3. 3 to 6 months-120ml per kilogram per day.
  4. 6 to 9 months- 100ml per kilogram per day.
  5. 9 to 12 months- 60-90ml per kilogram per day.

Source: National Health & Medical Research Infant Feeding Guidelines. 2013, page 79.


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FAQs On Formula Feeding

How Do I Calculate How Much Formula My Baby Needs?

We recommend consulting with a pediatrician regarding your baby’s needs since every baby will have different requirements. There are also several calculators that take into account your baby’s age and weight to determine its formula needs.

How Many Ounces Should A Baby Eat?

A newborn should have 60 to 90 mL every 3 to 4 hours, which increases to around 125 mL every 4 hours in a  month. A 2-month-old should have 6 to 7 feedings, each of 125 mL, while a 4-month-old should have between 125 to 180 mL at every feeding, with 5 feedings in a day.

Can I Feed Formula Every 3 Hours?

How often you feed your baby formula depends on your baby’s specific needs. Most newborns need to be fed every 3 to 4 hours, and as they grow, every 4 to 5 hours. Ensure you ask your pediatrician just how much formula your little one needs.

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