
Getting Ready For School

Getting Ready For School

Getting Ready For School

Getting ready for school is an emotional time both for you and your child. In the same way, you’ve handled everything else in your child’s early years; there’s also a lot to think about when starting school, and it’s usually a stressful time for everyone. But take each step and try to plan further.

Children’s thoughts about school can vary significantly. Some can hardly wait to start, while some will find it stressful to leave their parents for the day. You can start helping your child look forward to school by talking excitedly about it. It’s an idea to keep walking past the school and being excited about starting on day one. You could perhaps arrange a visit to the classroom, look at other pupils’ artwork together and talk about what your child will be doing.

The Parent Anxiety

It’s normal to feel a bit anxious about sending your child off to school. As a parent, you want to ensure your toddler is fully prepared to adapt to a new routine and make new friends. Very importantly, they should be able to communicate clearly about their needs to their teacher whenever they need help.

To learn some extra tips before getting started, you may read our blog on ‘Tips to prepare your child for preschool’.

Things Toddlers Need To Know Before Starting School

Enjoying School 

Starting school is such a big milestone for your child, and many parents are surprised by how many expectations their child bears regarding learning before kindergarten. Research shows that well-prepared children for their first year of school have a much better chance of settling in and succeeding, giving them a major head start for later years. Finally, all the children should enjoy the process, and getting ready for school plays a vital role in adapting to it.

Your child’s school should be able to provide you with a list of things that people expect them to know. They should know the most common things to help them feel confident and ready for their biggest adventure yet.

Tips For A Good First Day

Make sure everything is ready the night before starting school, and rather than rushing out of the door, take time to tell your toddler what they will be doing on his first day. It will be enjoyable as they will make new friends and do multiple interesting things. Tell that that they will enjoy a treat on the way home from school, and make sure you take a photo of the first day at school for a special keepsake. Likewise, positively keep the first paintings and creative artwork that your child makes. 

Settling In

Starting school is a huge step for your child. There’s so much to think about, and equally important is to make sure he gets plenty of rest. Be strict with bedtimes, as the last thing you want is a tired, grumpy toddler on his first school day. 

You’ll have everything prepared without the need to panic, so fingers crossed, it should all run smoothly. Of course, you’ll be anxious, but it may be worthwhile to take a couple of days doing little else other than settling your child in school. Hopefully, if your child has been in a nursery before starting big school, they will have some little friends who shall start simultaneously. It is a huge plus, especially if children live nearby as now they’ll play together happily and be in school.

Making New School Friends 

School facilitates your child to socialize with kids of their age and make new friends.

Having friends is hugely beneficial for children. While getting ready for school, it’s the first time they associate with kids of their age. Those who have already been to pre-school or a nursery will already be capable of socializing, so do encourage your child to talk to other children at play sessions or in the park and invite young friends over for playdates.

Learning New Skills

It is normal to expect school children to listen to what the teacher says and be able to identify their school bag and coat with a name tag on them. They’ll learn to read and write as they progress and enjoy learning new skills and playing new games. Equally, as time goes on, your child will be able to discuss their feelings themselves, recognize their name, take turns in games, and be creative. Eventually, going to school will become fun forever.   


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