
Household Chores For Kids


Are there household chores a little 5-year-old can do? Or something to keep an 8-year-old busy in productivity? When can little boys and girls start to learn to do their own laundry? Remember that all the children are different and only age limits them to a particular “right” chore. Considering their level of maturity, physical ability, and interest, you can pick tasks from among this list of household chores for kids.

Household Chores For Kids Aged 2 to 3 (Toddlers)

Rather than run away from it, toddlers often prefer helping with household chores. Even if their assistance may not constantly be as valuable as we would expect, keeping their excitement and this habit of helping alive is worth some added effort. Many toddlers love to see people noticing their help, so a sticker chart reward system is a great option. This way, you create confident children who will later in life share a helping hand, be better with social behavior and be aware of their responsibilities. 

And no, this age isn’t too young to get them to learn responsibility! If anything, this is the perfect time to slowly teach them about helping out at home. This can go hand in hand with establishing a daily routine and having the chores be part of that.

A few of the tasks include:

Tasks For Kids Aged 4 To 5

The fabulous thing about preschool-aged little ones is that they are always excited to assist. They also love alone time with grown-ups. They usually also love it when you take out time and teach them new tasks personally. Many kids at this period are quick to do the chores without continuous guidance. They love rewards and can do anything to get appreciated. Try applying a sticker chart which will allow them to increase to more meaningful rewards. For a few kids, binding chores to get an allowance is a great decision. Eventually, it will also encourage autonomy by enabling them to pick a prize.

A few of the tasks include:

Household Chores For Kids Aged 6 to 8

Although enthusiasm for household chores may diminish for school-aged kids, they have other qualities that work very well for doing everyday chores. Most school-going kids have a great urge to be self-governing. Parents and their caregivers should guide them to the path of self-sufficiency by using chore charts to keep track of their responsibilities.

A few of the tasks include:

Tasks For Kids Aged 9 to 12

At this age, kids enjoy a given calendar and schedule. If you can establish a system with their help, that would be the best.

A few of the tasks include:


Before you get carried away with simply designating task after task, remind yourself of one thing. Kids develop at their own speed, reaching milestones in their own time. Not all will be competent in carrying out advanced chores at a similar age. Similarly, few children may be waiting for more challenging assignments even if they are young. You are your child’s best judge in the early years of development. ImmunifyMe can help you keep track of your baby’s milestones so that you can focus on being a better parent.

FAQs On Household Chores For Kids

What Chores Can Children Do At Home?

You can pick some easy chores for your kids to do at home depending on their age, level of maturity, and physical capacity. Some easy tasks your kids can do at home are helping out with the dishes, helping with the laundry, picking up after themselves, setting placemats on the table, etc.

What Chores Should A 9 Year Old Do?

Some chores that a 9-year-old can do are 

What Are Some Chores For Kids To Do?

Some chores that kids can do are helping with cooking, cleaning up their bed and room, picking up and putting away their toys and books, helping with vacuuming, setting the table for dinner, watering the plants, etc.

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