
Jaundice In Newborns

Jaundice In Newborns

Jaundice In Newborns

Many newborns acquire jaundice within a few days of birth. Neonatal jaundice is the medical name for jaundice in infants. It is a disease in which the skin and whites of the eyes turn yellowish. It occurs mainly in preterm babies and some breastfed ones. 

However, mild jaundice affects around half of all babies within the first few days. Jaundice in premature babies might begin early and remain longer than it does in full-term babies. The primary reason behind this is that a baby’s liver isn’t developed enough to get rid of bilirubin in the bloodstream.

There are many complications related to jaundice which we’ve covered in this blog. So, continue reading.

Symptoms Of Jaundice In Newborns

The primary symptom of jaundice in newborns is yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes.

Other signs and symptoms of newborn jaundice are:

Newborn jaundice symptoms usually appear 2 to 3 days after birth. And they improve without treatment by the time the baby is about two weeks old.

How To Check It?

Gently touch your baby’s forehead or nose to check for infant jaundice. Your kid most likely has mild jaundice if the skin you pushed appears yellow. If not, the skin color should appear slightly lighter than usual for a brief period. Also, try observing your baby in bright light, preferably natural daylight.

Causes Of Jaundice In Newborns

Some Other Reasons

Prevention Of Jaundice In Newborns

There is no prevention technique available as such. However, appropriate feeding is the most effective way to prevent baby jaundice. Breastfed newborns should have eight to twelve feedings per day for the first few days of life. For the first week, formula-fed newborns should have 1 to 2 tablespoons of formula every two to three hours. This will consequently help prevent the child from contracting the disease to some extent.

Related Complications Of Jaundice In Newborns

There’s a chance that a newborn with really high bilirubin levels will suffer lasting brain damage if they are not cured. Kernicterus is a medical term for this type of condition. Brain damage, cerebral palsy, and deafness can occur if bilirubin (yellow pigment of red blood cells) levels get exceedingly high.

Also, checkout colic in babies.

Risk Factors Associated With Jaundice In Newborns

Possible Treatment Of Jaundice In Newborns

To reduce your baby’s bilirubin levels quickly, two basic therapies are there:

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