
Know All About Newborn Baby Vaccinations In India

Crib? Check. Baby bottles? Check. Diapers? Check. Is this how your newborn baby checklist looks too? Once your little one is out with you in the world, there’ll be tons of adjusting and learning for you to do. Naturally, you might want to make as many arrangements as you can to ensure the wellbeing of your child. In this process, one very important aspect you need to prepare for will be your child’s vaccinations.

Be prepared to come across the terms vaccinations and immunizations quite often, because right from birth up to childhood, vaccines will be an essential part of your child’s life. Need a kickstart so that you feel a little prepared for the process? Here’s all you need to know about newborn baby vaccinations in India. From what vaccines your newborn baby needs to why they’re important for your child’s health, we have the answers to all your questions.

Your baby’s health is in your hands, so make sure you know about child vaccinations in India.

What Vaccines Should Be Given To Newborns In India

There are two main immunization schedules that are followed for child immunization in India: the National Immunization Schedule (NIS) and the Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) immunization schedule. In simple terms, NIS includes the bare minimum vaccines that are necessary for every child in the country to take, whereas the IAP immunization schedule also includes a few additional vaccines that are available in the country but are not yet mandated for all.

Know that the government gives all the vaccines recommended in the NIS to all children free of cost. No matter the schedule you choose to follow, Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG), Hepatitis B (HB 1), and Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV 0) are the 3 main vaccines given to every newborn right after birth. Different doses and vaccines will then follow when your child is 6 weeks, 10 weeks, and 14 weeks old.

Some states may also require your child to take additional vaccines based on the prevalent conditions in that area. In other cases, your child may also require other vaccines based on their individual health conditions. It is advisable to clearly consult with your doctor about all the vaccines your child will need so that you can ensure the good health and wellbeing of your child.

When Should You Get Your Baby Vaccinated

Your baby will get their first shots right after birth. As mentioned before, BCG, Hepatitis B and OPV 0 are the initial vaccines that doctors administer to all children at birth. From then on, it’s recommended that you follow either the NIS or the IAP immunization schedule to complete your child’s immunization process in India.

You can find the ideal timeline of your child’s vaccinations in both these immunization schedules. It starts from birth and goes right up till early adolescence. Irrespective of the schedule you choose to follow, just make sure you stick to the timeline as diligently as possible and don’t skip out on any of your child’s vaccinations. Ensure you have a vaccination record that you diligently maintain, recording relevant details whenever your child gets a vaccine.

Why Are Vaccinations Important For A Newborn Baby

Getting your newborn vaccinated early on is important because infants and young children are easily susceptible to diseases at a young age. In some cases, the consequences of such diseases could be very serious and even life-threatening for infants. As your child develops, they will come across many risks and infections that threaten their health and lives. And the best possible solution to protect your child against dangerous diseases is to get them vaccinated and complete their immunization process.

The benefit of vaccinating your child also extends to the community as a whole. When enough people are immunized against an infection, the risk of spreading that infection any further also reduces. In the end, investing money in vaccinations is a much better decision than spending money on treatments later.

Newborns are at immediate risk, which is why some vaccines are administered right after birth.

Tips For New Parents Out There


Vaccinations are an integral part of your child’s life, one where you should make no compromise. Though this process starts from birth itself, you must make sure to follow the immunization schedule. Now that you know all about newborn baby vaccinations in India, you can put your parent cap on and prep for this new journey in life!

FAQs On Newborn Baby Vaccinations In India

Is It Mandatory To Vaccinate A Newborn?

Yes, there are some vaccines that are mandatory for every newborn in India to take. The National Immunization Schedule (NIS) mentions the necessary vaccines that your child needs and the age-wise timings as well. Vaccinations are important to protect your child from viruses out there, so you ideally shouldn’t miss your child’s vaccination as far as possible.

What Is The First Vaccine Given To A Baby?

Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG), Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV 0), and Hepatitis B (HB 1) are the first vaccines your baby will get at birth. These are some of the important newborn baby vaccinations in India. Make sure to consult with your doctor if there are any other vaccines that your child may require.

What To Expect After Baby Gets Shots?

Mild fever, fussiness, and pain at the injection site are common side effects your child may experience after a vaccine. Do make sure to give your child extra care and attention after they take their shot; they might be cranky and would reach out for your support. Some babies also tend to sleep more or eat less after getting their shots. These effects might vary with every child, so it’s best to consult your doctor about the same.

How Can I Relax My Baby After Shots?

Try distracting during the vaccination process so that they don’t focus on the pain caused by the prick. Even after the shot, keep them distracted and help them relax. Try humming to a comforting tune, playing soft music, and wrapping them in their comfort blanket. If your child is older, you can be supportive of them by telling them how brave they were during the entire process. Let them openly express their emotions and try spending quality time with them after the shot.

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