
Things To Know About Newborns

baby milestones, newboen

Handling a newborn is not easy. Consider getting help at this time because it can be very overwhelming and tedious. However, reading up on the things to know about newborns is sure to help you out. If you haven’t spent much time around newborns and are confused as to how to go about things, this blog can help you out.

Things To Know About Newborns: Basics 

1) Wash your hands or use a sanitizer before handling your newborn. Knowing that they have a sensitive immune system and are at high risk of contracting an infection, you surely don’t want to hold your baby with unclean hands.

2) Don’t forget to support your baby’s neck. Like a pillow, hold your baby’s neck upright while carrying them or while laying down.

3) Your baby is not ready for smiles coos and rough plays like jiggling or throwing in the air.

4) Don’t shake your baby, as it can cause internal bleeding and even be deadly. Remember to tickle lightly on the feet if it’s urgent enough to wake them up.

5) Your baby will feel hungry every 2-3 hours. Make sure you don’t start to give them solid food right away, as it can be very harmful. Mother’s milk is the best for a newborn baby.

6) Your baby can’t see very far in the first few weeks of life. They can focus on objects 20-30 cms in front of them.

7) It’s okay not to bathe them every day. Give a quick wipe down with a sponge or damp cotton wool in the essential places like the face, bum area, arms, and folds of the skin.

8) Use fragrance-free products. Always choose fragrance-free baby products; a newborn’s skin is brand new and just out in the world, you surely don’t want to irritate it.

9) They won’t be passing stool every day at first. As long as they’re eating well and passing urine, it’s completely okay.

10) They need attention. Talk to them, sing to them and as hectic as it may be, make sure to listen to them whenever they cry.

11) Keep in mind, your baby can identify you by your smell, as this is the most vital sense in their body.

Benefits Of Bathing Your Baby

Soothes Cranky Babies:

Nothing is more calming and soothing than a soak in the bathtub! Increase the relaxation by following this with a massage. If your baby makes a fuss about it, try to cuddle them. Eventually, you’ll know what works best for them.

Induces Sleep:

Taking a bath with warm water causes a feeling of being safe, and the magic of the warm bath will put your newborn to sleep!

Uplifts The Baby-Parent Bond:

When you spend this bath-time together, it’s just going to be the two of you! Taking care of your little one makes them feel special and that they’re wanted. Sing songs, gaze into their eyes, play with them and their fingers, kiss that cute little nose. Hearing your voice and feeling that gentle touch will make them feel special, and your warmth will make them feel wanted.

What Do Newborn Babies Do All Day?

The first few days with your little one can be as fun as it can be tedious. Changing the diapers, putting them to nap, feedings, and curiosity about what to do and what not to can be a lot to handle. Don’t worry. Eventually, everything will fall into place when you learn cues that work best for your baby; this will be one of the most natural things to know about newborns.

But, from diapers to feeding, there are some essentials when it comes to things to know about newborns:


Newborn babies feel hungry and want their feed almost every 1.5 to 3.5 hours. This depends on whether the mommy is breastfeeding or formula feeding the kid. Breast milk gets digested faster, so breastfed babies get hungry more often.

There are many ways you can see and tell that your newborn baby is hungry. They may put their finger in their mouth, open their mouth when you stroke their cheek. Moreover, when they cry, it’s usually a late sign when the hunger is uncontrollable for them. Make sure you try to get your baby to burp during and after the feeding. If they stop eating and fall asleep or even turn their head away from the feeding bottle, it is a good sign that they’ve had enough. If in case, they cry in the end, it means they are hungry for more. Check for the signs.


Your newborn will have around six or more wet diapers and four or more poopy ones, each day. Phew.


In their early days, babies communicate by crying. Sure the cries can be hard to decode. But, once you try to navigate here and there what’s wrong, with time, you’ll get to know what they need. If they’re up for two hours since they last ate, there’s a high chance they’re hungry. If they’re up for more than 2.5 hours, they’re due for a good nap. Also, if nothing works? Play with them, they’re probably bored.


Newborns get tired after being awake for around an hour or two. In the starting days, your baby will probably sleep almost more than half of the day. This would be for about 16 hours, usually in a 2-4 hour stretch, any time of the day or night. The signs of a sleepy baby may include, yawning, drooping eyelids, making a fuss, looking away.


Your baby is pretty busy with all the sleeping and feeding, but there are times when they’re wide awake and alert. This is an apt time to play with them. Smile, sing, talk to them, read to them as they are learning your voice, your touch, and your warmth at this stage. Make funny faces imitating them and show them exciting objects for them to look at and enjoy themselves.

FAQs On Things To Know About Newborns

What Are The Do’s And Don’ts For A Newborn Baby?

Here are some of the do’s and don’ts you need to be mindful of for a newborn baby:



What Kind Of Care Do Newborns Need? 

Here are some tips on how to care for your newborns:

What Do I Do With My Newborn All Day?

Here’s what you can do with your newborn baby:

How Long Is The Newborn Stage?

The first two months after birth can be considered as the newborn stage for your baby.

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