
Tips For Choosing Toys For Toddlers

Toys are one of the most indispensable parts of a child’s life. They not only entertain your child but also serve as learning tools for them. The smile on your little one’s face after you pamper them with a new toy is something that can’t be defined in mere words. But as a parent, you need to remember that along with being fun, toys also have to be safe and stimulating. You might get confused when you look at dozens of colorful toys out there in stores. So, choosing the right one for your toddler can get overwhelming. That’s why we’ve listed out some tips for choosing toys for toddlers. Let’s just dive right in!

choosing toys for toddlers

Toddlers spend a lot of time around toys, so choosing the right ones for them is important.

1. Buy Age-Appropriate Toys

One of the most important things to consider when buying toys is the age of your child. You wouldn’t want to overstimulate your child by giving them toys that are not really meant for them. Also, getting a toy that’s too simple and boring wouldn’t really help them. That’s why finding a toy that is developmentally appropriate for your child’s age is important

For example, building a ship puzzle can be really difficult for a child of 1-2 years of age. You can choose age-appropriate toys like easy puzzles, building blocks, etc. for your toddler. All you have to do is check the mean age on the label of the toy to decide if it’s suitable. 

2. Keep In Mind Your Child’s Interests

When buying a toy, you need to choose something that will capture your child’s attention. That’s only going to happen if you prioritize their interests! If you’re keen on making your child explore and learn new things, the best way to do that is to stick to the theme that interests them. Keep this in mind when choosing toys for toddlers, and you’ll have guaranteed success.

So, if your toddler loves drawing and coloring, you can buy toys like art supplies with washable markers, stickers, and colorful papers. Not only will they be visually appealing, but such toys will also give them scope to expand their creativity. 

3. Prioritize The Safety Of The Toys 

The safety of the toys is very important, especially when choosing toys for toddlers. You have to make sure that the toys you purchase are made up of non-toxic and non-combustible materials. So, see to it that you check the label of the toy to find out whether it meets the security standards for your child’s age. 

That’s why, when choosing a toy, the detachable ones should be completely off your list since there are chances that your little one may swallow its parts. Toddlers are at an age where their curiosity leads them to put anything and everything in their mouths. Also, with respect to battery-operated toys, check whether all the parts are secured with screws so that your child doesn’t detach any parts. 

4. Choose Toys That Enrich Different Senses Of Your Child 

One of the best ways to encourage problem-solving and language development in toddlers is the use of sensory toys. Sensory toys are entertaining and at the same time can stimulate your child’s nervous system.

Choose toys that can stimulate and strengthen different senses of your child.

There are tons of sensory toys out there that can stimulate different senses of your child. If your child seems to love movement, toys like rolling pegs, bumpy balls, etc. may do the trick. Modeling clay can help kids who love making new things by strengthening their sense of touch. So, depending on your child’s interests, you can help develop their cognitive, language, gross, and motor skills using sensory toys. 

5. Avoid Buying Gender-Specific Toys 

Many parents tend to give more importance to the gender of the child instead of valuing their interests when buying a toy. You need to remember that a popular toy needn’t really be restricted to a specific gender. So if your daughter loves watching action hero cartoons on television, go ahead and buy her some action heroes. Likewise, if your son is always keen on helping you in the kitchen, a kitchen set will only encourage him to keep doing that. 


Every toy can have a different impact on different kinds of children. So, it’s important that you choose different kinds of toys to help strengthen your child’s cognitive, emotional and motor development. Playtime is important for children – that’s why you need to use toys not just to keep them entertained but also to foster their learning. Now that you’ve read our tips for choosing toys for toddlers, you’re ready to go toy shopping. 

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FAQs On Tips For Choosing Toys For Toddlers 

What Are The Guidelines For Choosing Toys For Toddlers? 

Here are some important guidelines for choosing toys for toddlers: 

What Toys Do Toddlers Really Need? 

Toddlers need different kinds of toys that’ll help them with their hand-eye coordination, gross motor skills, language, cognitive development, etc. Some of the best toys that’ll enrich the different senses of toddlers are building blocks, musical toys, puzzles, modeling clay, etc.

What Is Important When Choosing Materials For Infants And Toddlers?

Some important things to consider when choosing materials for infants and toddlers is to choose toys that don’t have any sharp edges. Also, make sure that they don’t have any plastic covers or detachable parts that your child can pry off and swallow. You have to see to it that the toys are made of good materials and sanitized before you give them to your children. 

How Do I Choose The Right Toy? 

You can choose the right toy for your child by first considering the age of your child. Make sure that whatever toy you choose is not just developmentally appropriate but also safe for your child.

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