
Tips To Get Pregnant Faster – The Best Guide To Improve Your Chances

getting pregnant faster

Pregnancy can be difficult, but knowing how to stay cheerful can make a load of difference.

“How to get pregnant faster?” This is the question several married couples want an answer to. So, here we are with a seven-step guide to help you in getting the desired results. If you’re willing to start a family, you obviously understand that there is a certain amount of time required to have your own baby. However, there are some particular ways that can enhance your possibility of conceiving, and make the process swift. Discussed below are some doctor-recommended tips to get pregnant faster and increase your chances.

Have A Preconception Checkup

Right before you start trying to conceive, you should take a proper checkup. Based on your results, your gynecologist may suggest you some prenatal folic-acid-rich vitamins to rule out the possibility of birth defects, like spina bifida. 

Folic acid plays a key role during the initial stages of pregnancy. Hence, it is very important to ensure that you are taking sufficient amounts of folic acid even before conceiving. Folic acid consumption must begin a cycle before you start trying. Moreover, it is also very important to undergo a pre-pregnancy checkup to identify if you have any medical conditions that could pose a threat to your baby.

Understand Your Cycle To Get Pregnant Faster

The doctors recommend keeping a close tab on your menstrual cycle, as timing plays a key role in conceiving. It helps you know at what time of the month you are going to be the most fertile. As per the experts, ovulation is the best time to have sex for pregnancy. Tracking your cycle and timing yourself is one of the most underrated yet easiest tips to get pregnant faster.

Women having a 28-day cycle generally ovulate on the 14th day, but there are some women who have a longer or shorter cycle. Hence, casting a wider net can be of great help. Tracking your cycle also helps in understanding the signs of ovulation, which include a change in the cervical mucus. It generally gets slippery and thin when you are at the peak of your fertility during the month. Use an ovulation prediction kit to know when is your best time to get pregnant.

There has been a misconception that you have to wait for a certain amount of time before starting to try getting pregnant. The studies have proven that you can start trying right after stopping birth control measures. Of course, this depends on the type of contraception you were on, but none should stand in the way of conception.

Are There Any Positions To Get Pregnant Faster?

There are many myths about the best sex positions to get pregnant faster. However, none of them have any scientific proof to back their authenticity. Having said that, you’re better off without certain positions like standing or sitting. These positions could hinder the sperm from traveling upstream, but again, there’s not much evidence of the same.

As per the experts, it is very rare when a woman’s cervix is in an unusual position for any position to create a difference.

Don’t Get Out Of Bed Soon After Intercourse

You might have heard that lying in bed with your feet in the air after sex enhances your chances of getting pregnant. Well, this is also not entirely true. Experts suggest staying in bed after intercourse for 10 to 15 minutes is always good, but holding your feet up in the air would not benefit your cause. Wondering why? Simply because holding your legs up in the air does not move your pelvis. Besides, sperm naturally swim towards the egg whether you sit or stand.

Experts also advise not to go to the bathroom during this time. Waiting for 10-15 minutes gives the sperm sufficient time to travel into the cervix, promoting the woman’s chances of conceiving.

Overdoing It Won’t Help

Having intercourse too many times even when the woman is ovulating will not benefit the cause to get pregnant faster. Time your cycle well, and have sex during your fertile window to increase your chances. But overdoing it won’t necessarily improve your chances. In some cases, you may be dealing with infertility issues, in which case you need to consider IVF or other options rather than overdoing it.

Moreover, sperm can live up to five days inside a woman’s body. However, wearing time-fitting clothes, or spending too much time in a hot tub or a jacuzzi may decrease your chances.

Men should also avoid having soy food as it decreases sperm concentration, which may adversely affect their chances. 

Avoid Stressing About Anything

Stress has been known to affect your bid to get pregnant faster. There can be a lot of family and society pressure on the couple to start a family, which can cause stress. But this can work against them on their journey towards parenthood. Stress not only interferes with ovulation but may also cause infertility. Hence, being relaxed and not worrying about anything is always a better option.

You may opt for whatever way you want to de-stress. Needless to say, it has to be healthy. Alcohol consumption may adversely affect your plan to get pregnant faster. However, a glass of wine would not hurt.

Ensure A Healthy Lifestyle To Get Pregnant Faster

Exercising is a healthy habit to have, but you have to ensure that it doesn’t reduce or increase your weight. Moreover, too much exercise can also stop your ovulation.

The next question is, how much is too much when it comes to exercising? If you always have been exercising, and still your periods are regular, there isn’t anything to worry about. Exercise affects your body, which in turn can affect your menstrual cycle. Any unexpected changes to your cycle like lighter flow or early periods are your first hint to shorten your exercise regime. This type of tracking is the best way to judge this, but ensure you confirm it from a gynecologist.

Other measures you can take to increase your chances to get pregnant faster –

Doing these things can help you to increase your fertility, which in turn increases your chances of pregnancy.


If you’re healthy and have no fertility problems, rest assured that your pregnancy will happen sooner or later. However, if you follow the above-discussed tips to get pregnant faster, you give yourself a better chance. Read up on more helpful pregnancy blogs on our ImmunifyMe app that can help you better once your little one arrives.

FAQs On Tips To Get Pregnant Faster

How Can I Increase My Chances Of Getting Pregnant?

Leading a healthy lifestyle, quitting smoking, lowering your consumption of alcohol, and exercising in moderation are a few ways to increase your pregnancy chances. Additionally, having sex during your fertile window can better your chances of pregnancy.

How Can I Get Pregnant Fast Naturally In 2 Months?

You can bring about several lifestyle changes over 2 months to lead a healthy lifestyle. This is one of the most beneficial tips to get pregnant faster as it increases your fertility. Additionally, track your menstrual cycle over these 2 months to calculate your ovulation. Having sex during ovulation is your best chance of pregnancy.

How Can I Get Fertility Fast?

There’s no way to immediately boost your fertility, rather, aim towards leading a healthy lifestyle. A balanced diet with moderate exercise and no smoking is your best bet to improving fertility. Men should also avoid eating too much soy as this is linked to lower sperm count as mentioned in the article. 

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