
Washing Your Hands The Right Way

Washing Your Hands The Right Way

Washing Your Hands The Right Way


Washing your hands frequently is extremely important. It has become even more necessary after this emergency of Covid-19. The widespread infections have cautioned us to be preventive. Therefore, following safety measures like washing and sanitising hands must be practised frequently. 

Although our parents taught us that washing our hands is a good practice, we often forget its importance. This article shall discuss how crucial it is for anyone to wash their hands correctly.


Why is handwashing so important?

Handwashing is a common practice crucial for everyone. Whether you are a kid or an adult, one should wash their hands multiple times a day. Our hands get exposed to numerous dirty surfaces throughout the day. Unknowingly, we touch our faces, eyes, and several other body parts. It can increase the risk of germs spreading, causing infections. We can simply include hand washing frequently in our daily routine and prevent the spread of infections.


When Should I Wash My Hands?

Make sure you wash your hands during the following activities:


The Right Way To Wash Hands

Preventing germs from spreading is easy if done correctly. There is a basic set of steps you should follow to get hands that are clean and germ-free. You may also watch this video for a better illustration.


Things To Keep In Mind

Whenever you wash your hands, you need to remember a few things. These are:


How Good Is Hand Sanitizer As An Alternative?

Whenever you can’t wash your hands with soap and water, an Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizer can serve the purpose enough!


It is not possible to always have soap and water beside you. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content in such a situation. They are known to remove germs and bacteria from your hands speedily. However, hand sanitizers have limitations for their use. These include:


To ensure that you use hand-sanitizer properly, follow these steps:



Now that you know how to wash your hands the right way, execute it and stop the germs from contaminating. Small steps often safeguard you from more significant problems in the future. That is why it is rightly said, “prevention is better than cure.” So, keep washing your hands frequently and contribute to a better and healthier society.



When and How to Wash Your Hands | Handwashing | CDC

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