
Watery Discharge During Pregnancy- What To Expect

Women certainly go through a lot of changes during pregnancy. Right from morning sickness, fatigue, and achy feet to severe mood swings, pregnant women experience so many changes that can be both normal and unexpected. It’s natural for you to get worried about every little change that happens in your body. One such thing is the watery vaginal discharge during pregnancy that is faced by all women. This watery discharge is more during early pregnancy, and before labor, you might experience blood-tinged mucus discharge. Read on as we take you through watery discharge during pregnancy and what to expect.

watery discharge pregnancy, maternal clothes

The kind of watery discharge could differ depending on the stage of pregnancy you’re at.

What Is The Creamy White Discharge During Pregnancy? 

The white creamy discharge during pregnancy is nothing but the fluid that comes out of your vagina. Your watery discharge differs depending on the different stages of pregnancy. This discharge can start 1-2 weeks after conception, sometimes even before you’ve missed your periods

Additionally, you will experience a heavy discharge towards the end of your pregnancy. This happens because of the pregnancy hormone also known as estrogen. The blood flow in your pelvic area increases and spurs your mucus membranes.

Here are some of the characteristics of watery discharge during pregnancy, and what stage to expect it in: 

First Trimester 

Second Trimester 

Third Trimester 

Normal Pregnancy Discharge 

Experiencing a watery discharge during pregnancy is one of the many surprising things about it, yet can be completely normal. When you experience sticky, clean or white fluid discharge with a slight odor from your vagina, you can be at ease as that is considered normal discharge during pregnancy. Don’t worry if you ever notice a tint of yellow fluid on your underwear as it’s completely normal. Of course, you should turn to your doctor the moment something concerns you, but it’s better to be informed so you reduce your panic.

As you move into the second and third trimester of pregnancy, your estrogen and progesterone hormone levels will increase. They are responsible for increasing the blood flow to your vagina. This is a natural way for your body to keep your vagina clean and protect your baby from any kind of infection. 


The common term for any fluid-like discharge from your vagina is called leukorrhea. Every woman experiences a white mucus-like discharge during puberty. Again, this leukorrhea differs for all women as it depends on your menstrual cycle. For most women, leukorrhea appears during the first few weeks after conception and then increases gradually.  

Amniotic Fluid

At the end of your pregnancy, you’ll notice that your watery discharge is similar to your urine and can have flakes in it. That is known as amniotic fluid and could be a cause of concern if you’re leaking amniotic fluid prematurely. Excessive amniotic fluid that feels like a gush can mean your water is breaking, and you’re not too far off from labor!

An additional problem arises when your fluid discharge is somewhat greenish in color in copious amounts. That can be an indicator that your baby has passed meconium, or early stool, in the womb. So, if you experience a greenish discharge, make sure you consult your doctor immediately.

Abnormal Pregnancy Discharge 

It shouldn’t come to you as a surprise that the risk of vaginal infections is high during pregnancy. In case you notice that your discharge is green in color, has a bad odor, and causes you a lot of pain, itching or irritation, it can be an indicator of infection or any other problem

Here are some things you need to be mindful of with respect to abnormal pregnancy discharge: 

Premature Labor 

Yeast Infection 

STIs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) 


When To Call The Doctor? 

It’s natural to experience vaginal discharge during pregnancy. Having said that, any signs of changes in your fluid’s consistency, smell or color need to be reported to your doctor. Also, if you experience any burning sensation, itchiness or redness in your vaginal area, you should immediately consult your doctor. You can’t stop your vaginal discharge, however, there are certain measures you can take to keep your vaginal area clean and healthy. 

Here are some things that you should take care of during pregnancy: 

Watery discharge during pregnancy is natural. But do reach out to your doctor if you notice any drastic changes or experience any discomfort.


It’s okay if you find your vaginal discharge to be unpleasant, but remember that it is a natural process of your body. You just have to make sure that you keep a track of your discharge and its frequency. We’ve covered everything you need to know about your vaginal discharge during pregnancy and what to expect. After giving birth, you’ll have to take care of many other things like your child’s immunization and vaccination schedules. To help you with that, the ImmunifyMe app helps you keep a digitized record of your little one’s vaccination records

FAQs On Watery Discharge During Pregnancy

What Does It Mean When Liquid Comes Out During Pregnancy? 

The liquid that comes out during pregnancy can be milky vaginal discharge. It can happen in the first few weeks after conception and it gradually increases thereafter. The common medical term for this liquid discharge is leukorrhea. 

Does Pregnancy Discharge Look Watery? 

Pregnancy discharge or vaginal discharge can leave stains on your underwear. It is thin, watery and milky during the early stages of pregnancy and later on gets thick towards the end of your pregnancy. 

Why Is My Discharge Watery? 

You don’t have to worry if you have a watery discharge as it’s normal during pregnancy and assures you that there’s no sign of infection in your vaginal area. It happens because of changes in your hormones like your estrogen levels. They are responsible for increasing the blood flow towards your vagina during pregnancy. 

How Can You Tell The Difference Between Discharge And Amniotic Fluid? 

When your discharge is watery, milky and doesn’t have a foul odor, it can be considered as a normal vaginal discharge. As opposed to that, discharge of yellow or green color in copious amounts are signs of amniotic fluid; in this case, you need to consult your doctor immediately. 

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