
What to do if your baby is crying too much?

why do babies cry

why do babies cry

As a parent, you might face many situations where you don’t understand why your baby is crying and what exactly to do in such cases.

But do not worry. Your baby crying is nothing but a form of communication they use to convey what they’re feeling or need.

Crying is the first form of communication for newborn babies, as they cannot speak yet. All you have to do is maintain calm and look for cues to understand the baby better.

This blog intends to help you with common reasons babies cry so much. So, let’s get into it!

They’re probably HUNGRY

This is one of the most common reasons why babies cry. Young babies and newborns need to be fed within regular intervals of time. Why? Because their teeny-tiny tummies cannot hold a lot at once. And that’s why they need regular feedings.

You can even look for common hunger cues: thumb sucking, turning head towards the breast, opening their mouth, etc. 

They want SLEEP

Newborn babies get extremely irritated and fussy when they want to rest. And because they lack self-soothing abilities, they may cry constantly for assistance.

This usually happens at night and in these cases, you can try swaddling them or rocking them to sleep. You can even try singing their favorite lullaby to help them put to sleep. 

They might have GAS

If you see your baby arching their back or their face turning red with discomfort and irritation while crying, this is a sure-shot sign of gas. To help them relieve from gas, bicycle their legs or hold them from the left side

In some cases, they may even need to be burped. Right after feeding your baby, make sure you burp them at least twice. 

Know more about gassy babies here.

They just need your ATTENTION

Babies want to be seen and soothed and when they don’t get this attention from you, they cry. Other reasons behind needing attention could be they need their nappy changed or could even be because they need to be held.

They have COLIC

If your baby cries constantly, it can be a sign of colic. Colic is intense or prolonged crying that can go on for 3 hours a day and 3 or more times a week in an infant.

To know more about colic, click here


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