
Fun Ways To Teach Toddlers To Help At Home With Daily Chores

Fun Ways To Teach Toddlers To Help At Home With Daily Chores

Fun Ways To Teach Toddlers To Help At Home With Daily Chores

Are you worried about doing laundry, cooking, dressing, cleaning and packing up your child’s books and toys forever? The saying Start Early, Drive Slowly, Reach Safely makes complete sense in this scenario. To teach toddlers to help at home, you must ‘Start Early’. Teach them how to do it ‘Slowly’, and you will find that you have raised an individual who is conscious of their duties at home ‘Safely’.

With this in mind, read through this list of some easy and fun household chores to do with your toddler.

Age 2 to 3 years

Firstly, contrary to a teenager who shirks away from doing day to day chores, a toddler loves to participate in little actions of everyday activities along with their parents. Have you noticed the twinkle in their eyes when you allow them to wipe and clear the table with you? You must! It’s the look of achievement.

These are five easy chores your toddler would love to do with you.

Age 3 to 5 years

Your little one now is bigger, faster and brighter. Allotting tasks isn’t a bad idea to build confidence in your toddler. This is a fine age to teach toddlers to help at home. They’re as eager as a beaver now! Routine can peep in, too, as it helps in building habits. Try this list but don’t expect perfection or try correction. Sing a song or hum a tune to enjoy working together. You have a lovable partner, after all.

More activities for age 3 to 5 years 


When you teach toddlers to help at home, they develop a sense of responsibility. The independence they are given to make choices and see its impact goes a long way in raising confident kids. In fact, toddlers helping at home can be fun-filled and memorable. Consequently, you’ll find many playful moments to capture. It must be remembered that consistent efforts and time spent together to show children how to go about it are essential. 

Additionally, you can sing or hum or whistle while you are at it and watch your toddler take delight in doing chores at home.

Also read: Why Is It Important To Teach Gratitude To Kids?

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