
Healthy Pregnancy Tips For To-Be Parents

A healthy pregnancy is a dream of every couple, but does everyone have it this way? No, not really! As magical as it is, pregnancy does bring many complications, which sometimes are really hard to tackle. Taking every precautionary measure you can will help ensure the safety of your unborn child. We have listed a few important healthy pregnancy tips for to-be parents. They will help you minimize the risk of some complications you will encounter during the time of pregnancy. Have a look –

Staying Healthy For A Healthy Pregnancy

Your health reflects on your pregnancy. So, you must follow the basic health guidelines for healthy prenatal development of your child, like –

Having Prenatal Vitamin And Minerals

You should begin with prenatal vitamins and other essential nutrients as advised by your doctor, right before you start trying. It is really important as the fetus’ neural cord forms in pregnancy’s first month. This neural cord later transforms into the spinal cord and the brain of the baby. Hence, essential nutrients like calcium, iron, and folic acid play a very crucial role during this time.

Exercising For Healthy Pregnancy

Pregnancy does slow you down, but you have to do enough physical activity to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Physical activities help in reducing stress, controlling body weight, boosting blood circulation, and inducing better sleep. You can attend a pregnancy class to learn exercises. You can also walk for at least 15-20 mins every day in a cool or shaded area.

Some more options for physical activities could be –

These exercises can also help you regulate your mood, and keep you happy. And a happy mom-to-be is a healthy one! More importantly, you must consult with your gynecologist before starting any exercise. Also, you should never overdo any exercise.

Take Childbirth Classes

You may think that you are prepared if you have had a successful pregnancy before. Do keep in mind that every pregnancy comes with its own risks. So, it is important to educate yourself by attending childbirth classes. This way, you can ask questions related to your previous pregnancy as well. Alongside childbirth classes, you can also look into hypnobirthing if you’re successfully having a healthy pregnancy. 

Moreover, you should also speak with your gynecologist about your family history of pregnancy. You must report every complication to your doctor that any of your family members ever faced. This can help predict if your baby may have any health or genetic disorders.

Do Kegel Exercises

Kegels play a very key role in helping you with a healthy pregnancy. These exercises toughen up your pelvic floor muscles, which give support to your uterus, bowels and bladder. If you do these exercises correctly as advised by an expert, these will ease up the process of delivery. Also, they will help prevent problems like incontinence.

Avoid Toxins

During pregnancy, you must avoid consuming tobacco products, alcohol, and illicit drugs. Paint thinners and nail polish removers are also harmful. These are all toxins and are very harmful to the baby as well as the mother. They can cause birth defects, miscarriages, and other problems.

For example, smoking cigarettes decreases oxygen flow to your baby, which may cause preterm birth and many more complications.

Cut Out Some Chores From Your To-Do List

Pregnancy also calls for quitting some everyday chores like cleaning your bathroom or looking after the pets. The cleaning products you use may contain toxic chemicals which may not have been harmful to you. However, they surely would affect your child. So, below is a list of some chores you must quit right after conceiving –

Avoid Over-The-Counter Medication For Healthy Pregnancy

You should check with your gynaecologist before taking any over-the-counter medication, supplement or natural remedy. These may heighten the risk of miscarriage, and can potentially impair fetal blood vessels.

Monitor Your Weight For Healthy Pregnancy

Weight monitoring can be tricky during pregnancy. You have to ensure that you do not put on a lot of weight. That will make it very difficult for you to lose it later. Also, you have to ensure that you gain enough weight so that there is no risk for your baby. Here is how much weight gain is ideal during pregnancy, depending on the woman’s body mass index –

Stay in touch with your gynecologist to ensure that weight gain isn’t getting out of control.

Change Into Comfy Shoes

Several women own pairs of shoes that look lovely but may not be the comfiest. But pregnancy is a time when it becomes very critical to wear extremely comfortable shoes. That’s because your natural weight gain changes your center of gravity. As a result, it puts more pressure on your feet. This can go on to trigger over-pronation, or flatten your feet. It may also cause fluid retention, leading to swollen ankles and feet. Change into comfy shoes that provide ideal support so you feel better.

Enhance Water Intake For Healthy Pregnancy

During pregnancy, your blood supplies essential nutrients and oxygen to your baby through the placenta. It also flushes out carbon dioxide and other waste material. This extra effort increases your blood volume by 50 percent. Hence, it becomes very critical to support that gain.

Drinking extra water can help a pregnant lady in avoiding several irritating pregnancy symptoms. Those include swelling, fatigue, hemorrhoids, headaches, UTIs, constipation, etc. Drink 8-10 glasses of water on a daily basis. If you find it tough, you can add lime or fruit juice to make it interesting.

Consume Folate-Rich Food For Healthy Pregnancy

You should also have 5-6 well-balanced meals with a healthy diet. Your diet should include enough folate-rich food like lentils, fortified cereals, wheat germ, oranges, asparagus, and orange juice. Moreover, folic acid plays a key role in developing the baby’s neural tube. It is also important for forming new red blood cells.

Replace Caffeine With Fruits

The doctors advise pregnant women to avoid or at least limit caffeine intake. That’s because it can cause harmful effects on your baby. You can replace your caffeine drinks with fruits like bananas and apples. They contain natural sugars, that can give you instant energy.

Include Fish In Your Diet For Healthy Pregnancy

As per research, children whose mothers ate fish during pregnancy have better I.Q. and better motor and communication skills. Fish is rich in omega 3s, which is very critical for brain development. However, you must consult with your doctor before choosing the type of fish. Don’t forget that some of them contain mercury which can be toxic for both babies and adults.

Pregnant women should not have more than 12 ounces of fish in a week. Here are the types of fishes that are safe for consumption –

The fishes that you should avoid are –

Apply Sunscreen

When you are pregnant, your skin becomes more sensitive to sunlight. Naturally, you’re at a bigger risk of sunburn and chloasma. So, whenever you are stepping outside, you must wear sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more. Don’t forget to wear your sunglasses and a hat.

Keep Yourself Clean For Healthy Pregnancy

Doctors recommend regular hand washing or the use of ethyl alcohol-based hand sanitizers. They help to avoid communicable infections like Group B streptococcus, cytomegalovirus, Fifth disease and chickenpox. These diseases can be very dangerous for the baby. Additionally, ensure you take your recommended vaccinations during the course of your pregnancy.

Make Your Travel Safe For Healthy Pregnancy

As per the experts, flying during the 14th to 28th week of pregnancy is safe. During this time, you have overcome morning sickness. Also, the risks of miscarriage and early delivery are the lowest.

However, you must check with your gynecologist first before planning any such trip. When traveling, you should increase your water intake, and take a short walk every half hour. This helps you in avoiding the possibility of blood clots.

Know More About Depression

There are a lot of women who suffer from depression during pregnancy. This is a very serious problem, which may lead to preterm labor. You must consult your doctor if you feel extremely sad, guilty, or angry, if you lose interest in chores you used to enjoy, or you sleep too much.

After analyzing your condition, your doctor may suggest you undergo therapy, join a support group, or prescribe medication.

When Do You Need A  Doctor’s Intervention?

Knowing when to consult a doctor during pregnancy can be a tricky business. Sometimes, it becomes really difficult to know which twinge is normal and which isn’t. However, you should see a doctor if you have any of the following symptoms –


It may not be easy to have a healthy pregnancy. But it surely is the most memorable time of your life. So, make it a joyride by taking good care of yourself using the points discussed above. Moreover, if we have missed out on mentioning your problem here and you are feeling something unusual, do get in touch with a gynecologist without any further delay.

FAQs On Healthy Pregnancy Tips For To-Be Parents

What Should All Expectant Parents Do To Have A Healthy Pregnancy?

In order to have a healthy pregnancy, expectant parents should do the following things: 

What Are The 10 Tips For A Healthy Pregnancy? 

Here are 10 tips to have a healthy pregnancy: 

What Should You Avoid When Pregnant? 

Make sure that you avoid smoking and drinking when pregnant. Also, avoid fish that contain mercury which can be toxic for your baby. Those include king mackerel, swordfish, tilefish, etc. 

Which Fruit Is Good For Pregnant Women? 

Pregnant women should consume citrus fruits like oranges and lemons. Along with being rich in Vitamin C, they also help avoid morning sickness during pregnancy.

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